Results for 'War Konrad Educational Research Institute'

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  1.  22
    Off-time higher education as a risk factor in identity formation.War Konrad Educational Research Institute, Radosław Kaczan & Małgorzata Rękosiewicz - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (3):299-309.
    One of the important determinants of development during the transition to adulthood is the undertaking of social roles characteristic of adults, also in the area of finishing formal education, which usually coincides with beginning fulltime employment. In the study discussed in this paper, it has been hypothesized that continuing full-time education above the age of 26, a phenomenon rarely observed in Poland, can be considered as an unpunctual event that may be connected with difficulties in the process of identity formation. (...)
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    Differences in Children’s Social Development: How Migration Background Impacts the Effect of Early Institutional Childcare Upon Children’s Prosocial Behavior and Peer Problems.Kira Konrad-Ristau & Lars Burghardt - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article focuses on the early years of children from immigrant families in Germany. Research has documented disparities in young children’s development correlating with their family background, making clear the importance of early intervention. Institutional childcare—as an early intervention for children at risk—plays an important role in Germany, as 34.3% of children below the age of three and 93% of children above that age are in external childcare. This paper focuses on the extent to which children from families with (...)
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    25 years of the Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine: Achievements and prospects for development.Iryna Drach, Svitlana Kalashnikova, Olena Slyusarenko, Yurii Skyba, Oleksandr Zhabenko & Lesya Chervona - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (1):37-55.
    The Institute of Higher Education of the NAES of Ukraine has celebrated the 25th anniversary of its activity. This review is dedicated to summarizing the fruit­ful academic research, methodical and educational activities of the Institute dur­ing its 25-year history, as well as to outlining the prospects for its further devel­opment. Over the years of its activity, the Institute has accumulated considerable experience in the field of fundamental and applied research of topical problems of higher (...)
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    The path to national leadership: an understanding of the 25-year formation of the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.Volodymyr Lugovyi - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (1):20-36.
    In the article, from the positions of the director (2006-2012), part-time chief researcher and member of the academic council (since 2006), national higher education reform expert (since 2009), the features of the 25-year history of Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, which founded in the context of global, regional and national development of higher education, its quantitative growth and qualitative enrichment, efficiency of activity are considered. The stages and aspects of the (...)
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    The Second World War's Impact on the Progressive Educational Movement: Assessing Its Role.Caroline J. Conner & Chara H. Bohan - 2014 - Journal of Social Studies Research 38 (2):91-102.
    Evidence found in The New York Times from 1939 to 1945 and corroborating sources are used to demonstrate the impact of the Second World War on the progressive educational movement. We posit that December 7, 1941 initiated the waning of the progressive education movement in the secondary social studies curriculum. Progressive education emphasized a child-centered, experiential curriculum, an issues-centered approach to learning, and a critical analysis of society. Our findings indicate that the educational climate during the Second World (...)
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  6.  31
    Lethal Laws and Lethal Education: A Case Study of Soviet Genocide Against Polish Foresters and Five Decades of Infodemic.Dariusz J. Gwiazdowicz & Aleksandra Matulewska - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1521-1550.
    Genocide as a part of nation or ethnic group extermination process is not a well-defined concept. Its meaning is understood intuitively. When law intervenes, the issue of defining the term comes back. Nevertheless, the Polish nation has been recognized as subjected to genocide activities during the Second World War by the Nazi Germany and Soviet Union. The paper focuses on the genocide against mainly one group of Poles that is to say foresters. The martyrologic evidence proves that foresters were an (...)
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  7. Philosophical Aspects of Education in the Conditions of War: Strategies of Support and Adaptation of Displaced Children in Ukraine and Poland.Serhii Terepyshchyi & Michal Federowicz - forthcoming - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy.
    B a c k g r o u n d. The article is devoted to the study of the adaptation of migrant children in new educational environments in the conditions of social mobility caused by the war in Ukraine. Attention is focused on rethinking pedagogical strategies to support the psychological stability, cultural identity, and social integration of students forced to change their residence and study. M e t h o d s. The study is a collaborative effort based on (...)
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  8.  52
    Consumption Dynamics Scales: Consumption Tendency of Individuals Trained with Institutional Education of Religion.Abdullah İnce, Tuğba Erulrunca, Seyra Kılıçsal & Aykut Hamit Turan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):63-92.
    Turkey has passed the import substitution economic model to a new model of the economy called open out since 1980. Along with the neoliberal policies implemented, the process of integration with the global economy has begun. The incomes of the religious people who cannot be excluded from the effects of this articulation also increased and their consumption behaviors has changed. On the other hand, some transport elements, especially the media, have enabled consumption codes to reach different segments. The new values (...)
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  9.  14
    Peace Education: Past, Present and Future.B. Jeannie Lum (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    In 1999 the UN instituted the Program of Action on a Culture of Peace, leading to the Declaration of the International Decade for the Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World 2001-2010. This represented a paradigm shift away from the prevailing conceptualization of peace as ‘the absence of war’ to one of ‘creating cultures of peace’, and indicated a significant opening for peace educators and the expansion of their mission and field in peace (...)
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  10.  15
    Introduction: Reusing Research Film and the Institute for Scientific Film.Anja Sattelmacher, Mario Schulze & Sarine Waltenspül - 2021 - Isis 112 (2):291-298.
    This introduction outlines the threefold contribution that this Focus section on research film offers. First, it introduces the vast collection of films from the former Institute for Scientific Film (Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film [IWF]), arguably the most ambitious endeavor ever undertaken to manage the distribution, production, and archiving of research films. At the same time, the institute’s questionable roots in the National Socialist education system and in war research are addressed. Second, the introduction points (...)
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  11.  8
    Implausible dream: the world-class university and repurposing higher education.James H. Mittelman - 2017 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Why the paradigm of the world-class university is an implausible dream for most institutions of higher education Universities have become major actors on the global stage. Yet, as they strive to be "world-class," institutions of higher education are shifting away from their core missions of cultivating democratic citizenship, fostering critical thinking, and safeguarding academic freedom. In the contest to raise their national and global profiles, universities are embracing a new form of utilitarianism, one that favors market power over academic values. (...)
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  12.  26
    The education of Walter Kohn and the creation of density functional theory.Andrew Zangwill - 2014 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 68 (6):775-848.
    The theoretical solid-state physicist Walter Kohn was awarded one-half of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his mid-1960s creation of an approach to the many-particle problem in quantum mechanics called density functional theory (DFT). In its exact form, DFT establishes that the total charge density of any system of electrons and nuclei provides all the information needed for a complete description of that system. This was a breakthrough for the study of atoms, molecules, gases, liquids, and solids. Before DFT, (...)
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  13.  34
    Konrad Grafs Commentarius in Metaphysicam Aristotelis: Transkription aus der Handschrift Pp 183 4°, Teil 2, Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern [ZHB], Sondersammlung.Chiara Paladini - unknown
    Here I present the first version of the transcription of the Commentarius in Metaphysicam by Konrad Graf from Cod. Pp 183 4°, Teil 2, Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern [ZHB], Sondersammlung (ff. 1r-56v), which collects Graf's lectures in metaphysics, held at the Lucerne Gymnasium in 1635-36. The transcription of the text was carried out at the Lucerne Faculty of Theology within the SNSF project "Zwischen monastischer und reformierter Metaphysik. Die schweizerische 'Wiege' der Ontologie im Zeitalter der Reformation" (SNSF project 100012_192559 (...)
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  14.  18
    An ‘ingenious system of practical contacts’: Historical origins and development of the Institute of Child Welfare Research at Columbia University's Teachers College.Catriel Fierro - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (1):56-86.
    During the first two decades of the 20th century, the expansion of private foundations and philanthropic initiatives in the United States converged with a comprehensive, nationwide agenda of progressive education and post-war social reconstruction that situated childhood at its core. From 1924 to 1928, the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial was the main foundation behind the aggressive, systematic funding of the child development movement in North America. A pioneering institution, the Institute of Child Welfare Research, established in 1924 at (...)
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  15.  48
    Scientific Instruments for Education in Early Twentieth-Century Spain.Pedro Ruiz-Castell - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (4):519-527.
    Summary 1898 marked a crucial point in the end of the nineteenth-century Spanish crisis. The military defeat ending the Spanish-American War was seen as proof that the country was in terminal decline. With the ideals of regeneration spreading throughout Spanish society, the State became more interested in supporting and sponsoring science and technology, as well as in creating a modern educational system. The resulting reforms reflected this strong interest in scientific education, and consequently, the first decades of the twentieth (...)
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  16.  24
    Gertrude Cox in Egypt: A Case Study in Science Patronage and International Statistics Education during the Cold War.Patti W. Hunter - 2009 - Science in Context 22 (1):47-83.
    ArgumentGertrude Cox, first chair of North Carolina State University's Department of Experimental Statistics, worked as a consultant for the Ford Foundation to Cairo University's Institute of Statistical Studies and Researches in 1964. An analysis of this work provides a case study in the internationalization of the statistics profession, the systems of patronage available to scientists in the second half of the twentieth century, and the history of women in science. It highlights some of the complexities in the process of (...)
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  17.  37
    Co-creating Research Integrity Education Guidelines for Research Institutions.Krishma Labib, Natalie Evans, Daniel Pizzolato, Noémie Aubert Bonn, Guy Widdershoven, Lex Bouter, Teodora Konach, Miranda Langendam, Kris Dierickx & Joeri Tijdink - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (4):1-23.
    To foster research integrity (RI), research institutions should develop a continuous RI education approach, addressing various target groups. To support institutions to achieve this, we developed RI education guidelines together with RI experts and research administrators, exploring similarities and differences in recommendations across target groups, as well as recommendations about RI education using approaches other than formal RI training. We used an iterative co-creative process. We conducted four half-day online co-creation workshops with 16 participants in total, which (...)
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  18. The Reconstruction of Patriotism: Education for Civic Consciousness.Morris Janowitz - 1983 - University of Chicago Press.
    "A meticulous, well-tuned examination of what Janowitz says is the decline of civic thought in America, and what might be done to restore it.... The patriotism Janowitz proposes to reconstruct is not the sort of narrow nationalism your political science professor may have warned you about—patriotism as 'the last refuge of a scoundrel.' It is instead a patriotism that intelligently appreciates life in a democratic land."—Robert Marquand, _The Christian Science Monitor_ "In _The Reconstruction of Patriotism,_ Morris Janowitz... places a national-service (...)
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  19.  12
    The Crisis of Transcendent Values: Higher Education at a Crossroads.Laurie M. Johnson - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (3-4):288-303.
    The faith in progress that propelled the West for over four centuries is in decline due to its own success. The emergence of capitalism with its novel market imperatives has created both the poverty that causes political crises and the material growth that has destabilized the Earth’s climate. There is a growing sense that we are dominated by the technologies and social organizations that we hoped would liberate us. Individualism and secularity have left people feeling isolated and without a sense (...)
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  20.  2
    Abstracting It All: The Soviet Institute of Scientific Information (VINITI) and the Promise of Centralisation, 1952–1977.Björn Hammarfelt & Johanna Dahlin - forthcoming - Minerva:1-19.
    In the aftermath of the Second World War, effective handling of scientific information was identified as crucial for advancement and international competitiveness. Here, we study how the Soviet Union, through the founding of _The All-Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information_ (VINITI), developed its own grandiose system which served researchers and engineers throughout the USSR. By studying its inception, the way it was structured, and how it relates to similar grand visions of how to organise knowledge, we provide rare (...)
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  21.  28
    Identity in adolescence and emerging adulthood: relationships with emotional and educational factors.Konrad Piotrowski - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (3):266-276.
    In the processual approach to identity, the role of the interaction between subjective and contextual factors in the process of its development is emphasized. Based on the model of Luyckx et al. relationships between identity and educational context, as well as the tendency to experience shame and guilt were analyzed.. 821 people aged from 14-25 and belonging to six educational groups: lower secondary school, basic vocational school, technical upper secondary school, general upper secondary school, post-secondary school and university, (...)
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  22.  49
    Evaluation of ʻAmelī I҆lmiḥal (1328) Course Book for Children In The II. Constitutional Period in Terms of Religious Education.Halise Kader Zengi̇n - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):311-330.
    The II. constitutional period is a period of renewal in many areas. Political, social and educational changes also had influences in the field of religious education. One of the examples of these changes is the ʻAmelī I҆lmiḥal textbook written by Halim Sabit (DOD. 1946) in five volumes for both teachers and student. This study particularly aims to assess this textbook in terms of religious education. Accordingly, the following questions are addressed: “What are the topics covered in the ilmihal books (...)
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  23. Elaboration of learning-teaching material at Sri Aurobindo international institute of educational research, auroville the aim of life and the good teacher and the good pupil.Alain Bernard - 2002 - In Kireet Joshi, Philosophy of value-oriented education: theory and practice: proceedings of the National Seminar, 18-20 January, 2002. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research. pp. 475.
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  24.  25
    Decolonizing Educational Research: From Ownership to Answerability.Leigh Patel - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Decolonizing Educational Research_ examines the ways through which coloniality manifests in contexts of knowledge and meaning making, specifically within educational research and formal schooling. Purposefully situated beyond popular deconstructionist theory and anthropocentric perspectives, the book investigates the longstanding traditions of oppression, racism, and white supremacy that are systemically reseated and reinforced by learning and social interaction. Through these meaningful explorations into the unfixed and often interrupted narratives of culture, history, place, and identity, a bold, timely, and hopeful (...)
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  25.  25
    Wars and Conflicts are Only Randomly Connected with Religion and Religious Beliefs. An Outline of Historical, Cognitive, and Evolutionary Approach.Konrad Szocik - 2016 - Studia Humana 5 (2):37-46.
    Many scholars that study of religion and religious beliefs find that they affect behavioral patterns. Some of them suggest that this impact is morally wrong because religion and religious beliefs can cause aggression, conflicts, and wars. However, it seems that this topic is more complicated and complex. Here I show that religion and religious beliefs can affect mentioned above morally wrong patterns only in some particular cases. Usually they do not do it. Here I show an outline of philosophical historical (...)
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    Identity, self-sufficiency and disability in the context of educational and vocational activity.Anna Brzezińska & Konrad Piotrowski - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (3):160-168.
    Identity, self-sufficiency and disability in the context of educational and vocational activity This study focused on relations between identity and sense of self-sufficiency. These relations were analysed in the context of educational and vocational activity. 204 persons without disabilities and 230 persons with different kinds of disability participated in the study. Participants were divided into three groups: 18-24-year-olds - students, 25-30-year-olds - unemployed and 25-30-year-olds - employed. The results revealed that unemployed people have significant problems with identity formation. (...)
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  27. Khomeini Education and Research Institute, Qom. He is the author of Contemporary Topics of Islamic Thought (al-Hoda, 2000). Mohammad Saeedimehr, PhD in Islamic philosophy from Tarbiyat Modarres in Tehran (2000), is assistant. [REVIEW]Hikmat-E. Sadrai - 2007 - Topoi 26 (2):267.
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  28.  34
    World Politics as a Cultural Mission. Foreign Cultural Policy and the Educated Bourgeoisie in Germany on the Eve of the First World War. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1986 - Philosophy and History 19 (1):47-48.
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  29.  10
    Main Tasks of the University During the Russian-Ukrainian War.Tetiana Trush & Vadym Tytarenko - 2024 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 1 (10):46-51.
    B a c k g r o u n d. This article explores the tasks and goal of university education in Ukraine during the war. The role of the University in the field of education and public life during the russian-Ukrainian war is outlined. The educational sector is going through significant challenges along with Ukraine in the context of the military operations. Therefore, the university community is actively involved in the struggle and not only on the educational front. (...)
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  30.  5
    Values and Educational Research.David Scott - 1999 - Institute of Education.
    Educational research theorists have accepted that different methods are appropriate in different circumstances: that a multi-method approach is therefore the best option. This has given a spurious legitimacy to the idea that members of the education research community share a common purpose, a common way of looking at educational matters and a common epistemology. The contributors to this book demonstrate that this is far from true. They offer six different perspectives on the relationship that is central (...)
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    Елітарна якість вищої освіти як наслідок глобальної інтернаціоналізації.M. A. Debych & O. A. Humenna - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 75:105-118.
    The relevance of the research topic. After the World War II the leaders and intellectuals of the world were forced to look for new principles and methods of management. New theories for analysis of complex systems appeared. The D. Meadows’ group from the Club of Rome and other analysts discovered the fact of the deepening humanity in an irreversible and deadly crisis. Up to now, economists and politicians have not offered a way to guarantee rescue. However, there is a (...)
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  32.  19
    The University of Leeds Institute of Education: Researches and Studies.P. P. Brown - 1954 - British Journal of Educational Studies 3 (1):84.
  33.  15
    Natural Science of the Human Species - an Introduction to Comparative Behavioral Research: The "Russian Manuscript" (19.Konrad Lorenz - 1995 - MIT Press (MA).
    Edited from the author's posthumous works by Agnes von Cranach. Topics incl. natural science & idealistic philosophy, general attempts to define life, vitalism, mechanism, etc.\Here Am I Where Are You?: The Behavior of the Greylag Goose was thought to be Konrad Lorenz's last book. However, in 1991 the "Russian Manuscript" was discovered in an attic, and its subsequent publication in German has become a scientific sensation. Written under the most extreme conditions in Soviet prison camps, the "Russian Manuscript" was (...)
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  34.  64
    Bo Liang. Ji shu yu di guo yi yan jiu: riben zai Zhongguo de zhi min ke yan ji gou [Researches on Technology and Imperialism: Japanese Colonial Scientific Research Institutes in China]. . 345 pp., figs., tables, bibl., index. Jinan: Shandong jiao yu chu ban she [Shandong Education Press], 2006. ¥38 .Jianping Han;, Xingsui Cao;, Liwei Wu. Ri wei shi qi de zhi min di ke yan ji gou: li shi yu wen xian [Colonial Scientific Institutions during the Japanese Occupation and Puppet Manchukuo Period: History and Literature]. . 468 pp., figs., bibl., index. Jinan: Shandong jiao yu chu ban she [Shandong Education Press], 2006. ¥49. [REVIEW]Juliette Chung - 2008 - Isis 99 (2):429-430.
    Ji shu yu di guo yi yan jiu: riben zai Zhongguo de zhi min ke yan ji gou [Researches on Technology and Imperialism: Japanese Colonial Scientific Research Institutes in China]. Ri wei shi qi de zhi min di ke yan ji gou: li shi yu wen xian [Colonial Scientific Institutions during the Japanese Occupation and Puppet Manchukuo Period: History and Literature]. (Zhongguo jin xian dai ke xue ji shu shi yan jiu cong Bo Liang; Jianping Han; Xingsui Cao; (...)
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  35.  42
    Conversation as educational research.Emile Bojesen - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (6):650-659.
    This article introduces a form of ‘conversation’ distinct from dialogue or dialectic to the context of educational theory, practice, and research. Through an engagement with the thought of Maurice Blanchot, this paper outlines the conditions he attributes to conversation in the form of plural speech, its relationship to research, how it can be educational, and speculatively concludes by considering how it can operate productively within and around educational institutions. As such, this paper provides an original (...)
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  36.  38
    Writing Trojan Horses and War Machines: The creative political in music education research.Elizabeth Gould - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (8):874-887.
    North American music education is a commodity sold to pre-service and in-service music teachers. Like all mass-produced consumables, it is valuable to the extent that it is not creative, that is, to the extent that it is reproducible. This is demonstrated in curricular materials, notably general music series textbook and music scores available from a rapidly shrinking cadre of publishers, as well as rigid and pre-determined pedagogical practices. Distributing resources and techniques that produce predicable, consistent, and repeatable goods and services, (...)
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  37.  22
    Cues, Values and Conflict: Reassessing Evolution Wars Media Persuasion.Thomas Aechtner - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (2):249-284.
    It has been posited that persuasive cues impart Evolution Wars communications with persuasive force extending beyond the merits of their communicated arguments. Additionally, it has been observed that the array of cues displayed throughout proevolutionist materials is exceeded in both the number and nuance of Darwin-skeptic persuasion techniques. This study reassesses these findings by exploring how persuasive cues in the Evolution Wars are being articulated with reference to the Cultural Cognition Thesis and Moral Foundations Theory. Observations of Institute for (...)
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  38.  43
    Research Ethics: Researchers Consider How Best to Prevent Misconduct in Research in Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions Through Ethics Education.Angelina Patrick Olesen, Latifah Amin & Zurina Mahadi - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (4):1111-1124.
    The purpose of this study is to encourage and highlight discussion on how to improve the teaching of research ethics in institutions of higher education in Malaysia. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with 21 academics in a research-intensive university in Malaysia, interviewees agreed on the importance of emphasizing the subject of research ethics among students, as well as academics or researchers. This study reveals that participants felt that there is an urgent need to improve the current awareness and (...)
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  39. Trends of Palestinian Higher Educational Institutions in Gaza Strip as Learning Organizations.Samy S. Abu Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Youssef M. Abu Amuna & Amal A. Al Hila - 2017 - International Journal of Digital Publication Technology 1 (1):1-42.
    The research aims to identify the trends of Palestinian higher educational institutions in Gaza Strip as learning organizations from the perspective of senior management in the Palestinian universities in Gaza Strip. The researchers used descriptive analytical approach and used the questionnaire as a tool for information gathering. The questionnaires were distributed to senior management in the Palestinian universities. The study population reached (344) employees in senior management is dispersed over (3) Palestinian universities. A stratified random sample of (182) (...)
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  40. Educational Program of Translating the Research of the Institute for Ultimate Reality and Meaning into the Classroom Situation.Blanche Premo - 1982 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 5 (1):78-83.
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    Institutional Quality of a Higher Education Institution from the Perspective of Employers.Karmen Rodman, Roberto Biloslavo & Silva Bratož - 2013 - Minerva 51 (1):71-92.
    The present paper proposes a theoretical model of institutional quality of a higher education institution (HEI) which, in addition to the internal dimensions of quality, incorporates also the external dimension, i.e. the outcomes dimension. This dimension has been neglected by the quality standards and models examined in our paper. Furthermore, the standards and models analyzed consider stakeholders as one of the quality factors of a HEI. The stakeholders’ perspective is seen as a lens through which stakeholders define, control and assess (...)
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    Cultural Shifts in High Energy Physics Collaboration from the Cold War to the Present: A Historical and Philosophical Perspective.Polina S. Petruhina & Vitaly Pronskikh - forthcoming - Minerva:1-20.
    This article employs empirical history and the philosophy of science to study cultural convergences and divergences in international collaborations in high energy physics. We examine two cases: (1) E-36, an experiment on small angle proton-proton scattering conducted during the Cold War at the National Accelerator Laboratory (NAL) in the USA by Soviet and US scientists and (2) an ongoing collaborative experiment, NICA, at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna), which is a project devoted to heavy-ion physics. (...)
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    Education, anthropocentrism, and interspecies sustainability: confronting institutional anxieties in omnicidal times.Helena Pedersen - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (2):164-177.
    Deborah Britzman’s remarkable question, ‘What holds education back?’, appears more urgent than ever in a world of accelerating environmental crises, climate change, and what has been described as omnicide – the annihilation of everything. What, then, holds education back from initiating radical change under these urgent conditions? This paper introduces the notion of ‘institutional anxiety’ as a consolidating force and explores how it may condition possibilities for resistance. Bringing examples from ethnographic fieldwork and experiences of course development in conversation with (...)
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  44.  29
    Institutional pressures and the adoption of responsible management education at universities and business schools in Central and Eastern Europe.Lutz Preuss, Heather Elms, Roman Kurdyukov, Urša Golob, Rodica Milena Zaharia, Borna Jalsenjak, Ryan Burg, Peter Hardi, Julija Jacquemod, Mari Kooskora, Siarhei Manzhynski, Tetiana Mostenska, Aurelija Novelskaite, Raminta Pučėtaitė, Rasa Pušinaitė-Gelgotė, Oleksandra Ralko, Boleslaw Rok, Dominik Stanny, Marina Stefanova & Lucie Tomancová - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1575-1591.
    Business schools, and universities providing business education, from across the globe have increasingly engaged in responsible management education (RME), that is in embedding social, environmental and ethical topics in their teaching and research. However, we still do not fully understand the institutional pressures that have led to the adoption of RME, in particular concerning under-researched regions like Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Hence, we undertook what is to our knowledge the most comprehensive study into the adoption of RME in (...)
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  45.  21
    Virtue, Objectivity, and the Character of the Education Researcher.David P. Burns, Colin L. Piquette & Stephen P. Norris - 2009 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 18 (1):60-68.
    In his 1993 book, Hare asks “What Makes a Good Teacher?” In this paper we ask, “What makes a good education researcher?” We begin our discussion with Richard Rudner's classic 1953 essay, The Scientist Qua Scientist Makes Value Judgments, which confronted science with the internal subjectivity it had long ignored. Rudner's bold claim that scientists do make value judgments as scientists called attention to the very foundations of scientific conduct. In an era of institutional research ethics, like the Tri-Council’s (...)
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    Educational Management from the Constructivist Perspective to Improve Teaching Performance in Educational Institutions.Fernando Pablo Velásquez Salazar, Hugo Alvarado Rios, Sunil Guardia Salas, Jeremías Allpas Rodríguez, Julio Arévalo Reátegui, Katherine Elisa Pimentel Dionicio & Manuel Ricardo Guerrero Febres - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:128-145.
    The objective was to propose an educational management model from the constructivist perspective to improve teacher performance in primary and secondary education institutions. The research was basic, quantitative approach, non-experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive-propositional in scope. The sample consisted of 92 teachers from an educational institution in Lambayeque, Peru. The results obtained in the surveys place teacher performance at a low level in all its dimensions: preparation for student learning (60.90%); teaching for student learning (70.70%); participation in (...)
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    Educating and Training in Research Integrity (RI): A Study on the Perceptions and Experiences of Early Career Researchers Attending an Institutional RI Course.Greco Francesca, Silvia Ceruti, Stefano Martini, Mario Picozzi, Marco Cosentino & Franca Marino - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (3):413-430.
    Research integrity (RI) is defined as adherence to ethical principles, deontological duties, and professional standards necessary for responsible conduct of scientific research. Early training on RI, especially for early-career researchers, could be useful to help develop good standards of conduct and prevent research misconduct (RM).The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a training course on RI, by mapping the attitudes of early-career researchers on this topic through a questionnaire built upon the revised version (...)
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  48. Malthus’s war on poverty as moral reform.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 2013 - CRIS - Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies, The Journal of Prague College 9:43-54.
    The paper aims at finding a way out of deadlocks in Malthus scholarship concerning his relationship to utilitarianism. The main claim is that Malthus viewed his own population theory and political economy as Hifsdisziplinen to moral and political philosophy, that is, empirical enquiries required in order to be able to pronounce justified value judgments on such matters as the Poor Laws. On the other hand, Malthus’s population theory and political economy were no value-free science and his policy advice – far (...)
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  49. The new production of knowledge: the dynamics of science and research in contemporary societies.Michael Gibbons (ed.) - 1994 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications.
    As we approach the end of the twentieth century, the ways in which knowledge--scientific, social, and cultural--is produced are undergoing fundamental changes. In The New Production of Knowledge, a distinguished group of authors analyze these changes as marking the transition from established institutions, disciplines, practices, and policies to a new mode of knowledge production. Identifying such elements as reflexivity, transdisciplinarity, and heterogeneity within this new mode, the authors consider their impact and interplay with the role of knowledge in social relations. (...)
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    Non-institutional humanities, philosophical practice, informal education: the contours of the educational creative industry.Gulnara Shalagina - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:116-126.
    Introduction. Non-institutional humanities, philosophical practice, and informal education are “a family like” phenomena that are outside the social institution of science and education and are adjacent to socio-cultural activities and social work. The purpose of the article is to outline the contours of the informal educational creative industry in the postmodern society, which combines non-institutional humanities, philosophical practice, and informal education. Methods. The author uses the methods of autobiographical reflection, comparative analysis, empirical observation and analysis of the primary sources (...)
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